Friday, October 25, 2013

Reclaim Your Inner Goddess
How to stop the self-sabotage and Create Inner Peace 
     As women, we are so hard on ourselves.  We feel we have to fit into society’s guidelines of what we should look like, how we should feel and who we should be.
      I spent countless years beating myself up because I was not a supermodel size. I didn’t and never will look like the cover of a magazine.  I took it way too personally. The trash talking, self-bashing, monster grew very large inside of me and I totally dishonored who I was.  My inner Goddess had no idea she even existed! I let this go on for years.  Even now, every now and again, the trash talker shows up.  I have since learned how to hush it up and continue on my journey to wholeness.  I spent so much time looking outside of myself to be defined that when it came down to it, I had no clue who I really was.  Just as it seems to happen, one day I decided I had had enough.  I started by reclaiming all the things that made me, me. I truly owned them. I made a list of all my likes and the things about me that I know make me who I am. For instance, I like quiet mornings and rainy Sunday afternoons.  I’m not much for noise.  I love puppy breath and the smell of horses. I love roller coasters! I love stories; human stories about life and love. My list kept growing and growing and I celebrated each addition. The most important part of making the list was letting go of all the attachments I had to these things being right or acceptable to anyone else.  I had to make them clearly mine. Low and behold little by little she started to emerge; the Goddess I had denied for years.  Once she was visible to me, I cherished her and I was, and still am, very protective of her. Being able to claim myself and feel good enough was like wearing invisible stilettos all day long! Suddenly I stood a little taller and held my head up and greeted people instead of hiding and not wanting to be seen. It was fabulous, yet at the same time it was a process and I learned as I went.  I began listening to my body and my spirit, and in the listening, I began to hear what I needed for me. I started to own my truth and celebrate the wholeness of being me. We truly need more Goddesses on this planet! I’d like to share with you four of the best things I have learned on my own Goddess journey. Reach in and reclaim your inner Goddess! She is waiting for you to grab hold and set her free!

If you are physically hungry – Eat

·      When we are physically hungry, we need to feed our bodies.  Food is fuel.  That is the sole purpose of food – to fuel our bodies, to create energy for us to do the things we want and need to do.  Think of the foods you eat and how they do or do not create energy for you.  Keep a journal of the foods you eat and how you feel after eating them.  This will help you learn what foods work with your body. Choose foods that are colorful and nutritious. Eat the rainbow! Once you begin to fuel your body with food that nourishes you and fills you with energy, you will feel amazing! Your Goddess will thank you!

If you are emotionally hungry - Listen

·      When you are emotionally hungry you need to listen to your emotions and understand what you are feeling. When emotional hunger strikes, our tendency can be to reach out for food, alcohol, drugs or sex to fulfill us.  We close our eyes to our true feelings; we want to dismiss them and not think of them because it is painful, hurtful or sad.  When strong emotions show up, this is when you really need to sit down and listen.  What are these feelings trying to tell me, what am I really feeling?  Am I sad, lonely, anxious, or stressed? Listen to the voice inside of you that is begging for your attention. That is your inner Goddess! She will guide you and help you heal these emotions that continue to plague your journey. Write your feelings down and truly look at them. There is no right or wrong feeling. Whatever your emotions are, they belong to you and it is okay to feel whatever you feel.  Draw or paint your feelings so you have a visual of them. Nurture your emotions and pour love on them and yourself. Honor all of your feelings.  This will help heal these emotions and you will then begin to learn how to best take care of yourself when you are emotionally hungry, and how to avoid those harmful temporary fixes

If you are tired - Rest

·      When you are tired you need to rest your body. This is so simple, yet such a hard concept for women to grasp. We are doers; we feel we always have to be doing something. For us to sit down and rest even when we are weary to the bone, feels like we are useless and lazy. We may even feel guilty for taking time for ourselves.  There is something we have tied to our self worth that says we have to work, take care of our homes and families, and to fall into bed late night exhausted and weary.  We have forgotten that we need special care too.  Remember that you cannot take care of anyone else if you are depleted. Just as you cannot run a car without fuel, you cannot run your body without energy.  Stop feeling guilt and allow yourself to rest. It’s okay! The world will not end when you take time out for you to rest and recover. Not only will your body thank you, but so will your mind and spirit.  Honor your time to rest as sacred time to revive your Goddess energy.

If you are stressed - Play

·      When you are stressed you need to play. Shake it up a bit. Laughter is the best medicine! Be silly; play with the kids or grand kids. Blow bubbles, throw water balloons, ride some rides at the amusement park. Whatever makes you feel alive and like a kid again, do that! Play keeps us young and laughter keeps us alive and keeps stress at bay.  As adults, women and caretakers, we tend to take on the whole world at once, which creates enormous stress for us.  We have to learn when (and how) to say “No”, and not only say it, but be okay with it! It is okay to say no! Taking time out to play will increase your joy, happiness and love of life! Play can transform negative emotions into something more positive.  You will have a brand new outlook on the situation and be able to manage it from a totally new and welcomed perspective.  

Here’s to your own delightful Goddess Journey! 
Dance wildly and relish her reappearance!

Debbie Fisher
Holistic Health Coach & Life Coach

Photo Copyright and Special Thanks to:
Dancers: Sarume Tribe
Photographer: Anita Esmel